Amelie at 10 years, Mia at 7 years, Desmond at 5 years, Miles at 2 years
April 17, 2014


Amelie recently turned ten, and she had a really fun karaoke party with her friends. There was a pinata, a disco ball, and of course, cake!



Amelie opening up her presents, I wonder what she's going to get?



Despite our Waldorf attitude of no screens, we got Amelie an iPod touch for her birthday, and this is the first selfie she took. So far, it hasn't been a problem, but we keep a close watch on how much she uses it.



Even Miles was getting into it, this is his first selfie. He can use it shockingly well for a two year old.



There's an app for everything, even putting a beard on a two-year old.



Amelie at ten years old. It's wild because on the home page of this web site you can go all the way back to when she was first born. Kids grow up quick.



Mia at almost eight years old.



March is our month for birthdays, so we got another pinata for Desmond's birthday. He just turned five. While I was the one who loaded up Amelie's pinata with all kinds of candy, Naomi loaded up Desmond's pinata. Let's just say that sidewalk chalk is not a good pinata toy. There were clouds of chalk dust and broken pieces of chalk flying everywhere.



Desmond at five years old. Still riding his scooter all the time, and his skateboard, and anything else he can find.



We went to my friend Ortenzio's birthday party for his little boy, and it was a lot of fun.



Miles on the slide at the party.



Desmond and Miles got in the jacuzzi there and were practicing their swimming. Desmond is getting better, though he still can't swim, he's getting close.



We took a quick weekend trip to visit my brother Dave in Arizona, and had fun playing with the cousins. Speaking of swimming, though, Miles had a water squirter he was playing with on the side of the pool, and he accidentally dropped it into the pool. He decided to leap into the pool to get it back, but fortunately Amelie was right next to him and instantly pulled him out of the pool. All the adults were just a few feet away as well, because this is like the tenth time we've pulled one of the kids out of the pool. Each one of our kids has almost drowned, multiple times. It's insane how easy and quick it is for a kid to drown. We don't mess around when it comes to pools.



March is the month for birthdays, it's crazy. Our friend Ava had a birthday party, and the kids were seeing who could do a pull-up. Mia did one, then started doing push-ups.



As if that still wasn't enough of a display of strength, Mia also gave Miles a piggy-back ride.



Spring is the time for baby animals to be born as well, this is the baby guinea pig that was just born. The mama guinea pig only had one baby, which is unusual.



A friend of ours had a bunch of baby goats, this is one of them.



We visited a goat farm out past Temecula and they had a whole bunch of baby goats. The day we were there the lady was burning their horns off, which is a nasty business but you have to do it.



Naomi took the kids to the Discovery Science Center, and Amelie got to lay on a bed of nails.



Desmond sat in this chair and could lift himself and the chair with the rope, connected to a pulley.



We went to the Adventure Day at Caspers Wilderness Park, and it was pretty cool. They had a lot of booths, a band, and a lot of different things for the kids to do, like this bean-bag toss game.



Desmond was climbing on trees, fences, whatever he could climb, he was having fun.



Face painting, as well.



There was a lady with a jewelry booth there, it was only $4 for this hair clip.



Mia got one as well.



We played at the park they have there for quite a while, it's a pretty cool park because there's a bunch of downed trees that you can climb all over.



Miles at the park at Caspers.



Desmond and Miles at the park. They've been playing together great lately. As soon as Miles got old enough to keep up with the other kids, he was off with them.



This rarely happens, but when it does, it's kinda cute.



We've been going to 4H meetings with the kids, so when the Imaginology show at the Orange County Fairgrounds came around, Amelie and Mia entered three rabbits into the show. They also entered some artwork and some bottles they had decorated.

Amelie got 2nd place in rabbit showmanship and 3rd place in goat showmanship, but her goat (actually a friend's goat that Amelie was borrowing) placed 1st for dairy character. She also got 1st place for a painting she did. Mia and Desmond got participation ribbons, since they are a little too young to do the competitions.



There was a hamster ball you could do, lazer tag, a maze, it was actually pretty cool and there were plenty of free things to do, as well.



Mia is getting bigger, she's almost eight. She's a really fun kid, she never gives us any grief and she's always goofing off.



Until next week, don't go jumping into any pools.



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